Thursday, February 10, 2011

Boterkoek (Dutch Butter Cake)

from the kitchen of Rona

Mix all by hand:
 3 cups flour
 1 cup sugar
3 sticks BUTTER, softened
 1 egg yolk mixed
 1/4 tsp almond oil
 dash of salt

 I get the almond oil at Bakers Cash & Carry in Salt Lake and it lasts a long time.. If you use almond extract, you need to use a scant teaspoon, but the oil is better.
Use pastry blender to mix, pat into 9X13 pan, brush top with beaten egg white, score with fork if desired, and bake at 500 degrees for 10 minutes to a light golden brown. Cool slightly and cut on the diagonal to form diamond shapes.

1 comment:

MelissaDaams said...

i live in the netherlands! i'm going to try this one out and see how it compares to the store bought version!